Anyways, the ORIGINAL Power Rangers started in 1993, and ran until 1995.
"The series begins with five teenagers combating Rita and her seemingly endless array of monsters. However, consecutive failures lead Rita to adopt a new method for conquering Earth and destroying the Power Rangers: by attacking them with one of their own. Using her magic, Rita kidnaps and brainwashes a local teen whose fighting skills prove to equal that of Jason's in a martial-arts contest held in Angel Grove. The new teen, Tommy Oliver, passes Rita's tests, becoming the Green Power Ranger. Entrusted with Rita's Sword of Darkness, the source for the continuance of the evil spell he has fallen victim to, Tommy comes dangerously close to defeating the Power Rangers, especially when Rita causes a solar eclipse that temporarily drains the Megazord's power. However, the Green Ranger is ultimately defeated, and the Sword of Darkness is destroyed by Jason. Now free from Rita's spell, Tommy chooses to use his Green Ranger powers to assist the other Rangers in defeating the evil that gave them to him in the first place. His Zord, the Dragonzord, is reconfigured to enable it to help form more powerful Zord combinations alongside the other Dinozords." - Wikipedia
People who are reading this for the first time might wonder what on Earth I am talking about. Well...The Zords are like Giant Transformers in a sense. I chose the DragonZord, because its my favorite.
For whatever reason when I was younger, I LOVED the Green Ranger. Although he started out bad...He ended up turning over to the Good Side and joining the Rangers.
This was the cast I grew up with; the Green Ranger ended up becoming the White Ranger

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