Saturday, March 2, 2013

Furby: Now and Then

             Furbies were first distributed right before the Christmas of 1998 and was a huge hit in the market. It was considered one of the biggest toys of the 90s. Over 40 million Furbies were sold during the three years of its original production. A Furby looked like a fluffy bird that came in many different colors and patterns. Furby was a robot toy. His eyes, ears, and beak moved and were interactive talking back at you in “Furbish”. Furby talks in third person. Furby would tell you when it was hungry, tired or to play with them. The only way to turn him off was to put him in darkness where he would “fall asleep”.

My uncle got me a Furby the Christmas of 1998 even though I never asked for it because I had already thought they were weird from the way the commercials looked. He told me the thing talked the whole ride over to my place. I ended up fearing it ever since I received it so it was put in the dark closet to be turned off. My mother would sometimes think it would be funny to take it out and put it on my bed so that when I came in the room it would be talking and scare me. He talked way too much it annoyed me and creeped me out which shows in this video how the 1998 version operated:

There are newer Furbies just coming out and have LCD eyes to show a more animated look. Furbish an now be translated to English and makers have plans to make him speak in English. Furbys are much more interactive than they used to be and even connect to iPhones demonstrated in this video: 


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